Saturday, January 15, 2011

Call for proposal Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCPRID)

Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCPRID)
Outline application deadline: 31 March 2011, 4pm BST (3pm GMT)
This is a joint call for collaborative projects under the Sustainable Crop
Production Research for International Development (SCPRID) initiative. Up
to £20M is available through the initiative, funded by:
* Department for International Development
* Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - USA
* Department of Biotechnology of India's Ministry of Science and Technology
* Indian Council of Agricultural Research
The focus of the programme is on research to understand and counter the effects
of abiotic (drought, temperature, salinity, nutrient deficiency etc) and biotic
stresses (pathogens, pests, weeds) - including combinations of stresses - that
constrain food crop production in developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and
South Asia.
Emphasis will be placed on the following staple crops:
* Cassava
* Maize
* Rice
* Sorghum
* Wheat
A proportion (~15%) of the available funding will be allocated for work on other
important crops but support is unlikely to be provided for research on 'niche'
crops with the potential to enhance the livelihoods of only small groups of
Research supported through this programme must be of excellent scientific
quality and demonstrate clear development relevance. Projects are also required
to provide the basis for forging mutually-beneficial scientific partnerships
between the UK and developing countries.
The call consists of two components:
* Standard Research Grants (SRGs) led by a Principal Investigator (PI) from any
eligible institution.
* Projects for Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders (PEARLs): a small number
of grants (circa 5-10) will be awarded for four-year projects where the lead PI
is an early-to-mid career scientist from a developing country of Sub-Saharan
Africa or South Asia. Unlike SRGs, PEARLs will include funding to cover the
full-time salary costs of the lead PI for the duration of the project.
Please refer to the Eligibility and Funding sections (paragraphs 11-20) of the
call text document in the downloads section above.
How to apply
For full details of the call and further information on how to apply see
the SCPRID call text document in the downloads section above.
Launch of call for outline proposals10 January 2011
Application deadline for outline proposals31 March 2011
Assessment of outline proposalsMid-May 2011
Invitation of full applicationsEnd-May 2011
Application deadline for full applicationsEnd-July 2011
Assessment of full applicationsEnd-Nov 2011


Amanda Read
tel: 01793 414665
fax: 01793 413234

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