Sunday, March 24, 2013

World Bank Grant Opportunity in South Asia for Youth Solutions

-By Development Network-

Deadline- April 11, 2013
The World Bank and the Microsoft have launched this grant opportunity called "Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment" innovative project proposals using ICT to address the challenges facing the youth, like lack of skills development and unemployment, are being invited from youth-led organizations.
Jointly implemented by the World Bank and Microsoft, the competition seek ideas from youth on how to use innovative and creative methods to promote IT skills amongst youth helping them to secure gainful employment.
The program will be organized in four South Asian countries – Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Each country will win one grant of US$ 10,000 to 20,000 to carry out an innovative project, one year in duration.
Each country will win one grant of US$ 10,000 to 20,000 to carry out an innovative project, one year in duration.
Eligibility & Criteria-
  • Youth-led organizations and NGOs can submit project proposals for this grant competition
  • The applying organization has to be registered with at least two years of operation
  • All team members have to be above 18 years of age
Selection Criteria
- The project proposed should use ICT as a tool to implement or promote the project.
- The project should provide employment opportunities for at least 3 people and above.
- A strong sustainability plan needs to be part of the initial project proposal.
- The projects should be participatory.
-  Proposed project must be completed within 12 months of disbursement of the initial grant
-  The output or results outlined in proposals should be measurable and demonstrate a direct impact in project areas. Projects with the sole final output of research, such as publications, training or conferences/forums with no directly verifiable results will be ineligible.
Innovation is one of the key criteria of selection. Out of the box initiatives, which can be practically implemented, will score.

-For more information and articles:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Innovation Award: Call for Stories

Promoting People's Empowerment

The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) seeks to find and bring to scale the most incredible stories on people's empowerment around the globe. Stories like YOURS!

You can nominate yourself, or another person you admire who empowered you and therefore your unique and special story. We truly believe that the major social challenges of our time can be solved only with the full participation of people at all levels of society.

This innovation award represents DSPD's commitment to the promotion of people's empowerment and social development globally. It is administered by DSPD as part of its mission to promote more equitable growth, seeks to identify innovative approaches for poverty eradication, social integration, full employment and decent work for all.

The deadline for submitting your stories is 14 May 2013.

Once the selection process is completed, we will be honored to announce the final six winners on our website. Winners will also receive an award certificate from the United Nations.

To submit your story, please complete the online form following 2 basic rules:

1 – 1.000 words maximum for your written story (in English)
2 – 10 minutes maximum for your recorded video-story (in English or with English subtitles)

Empower yourself and Inspire the World!

Click here to submit your story.
United Nations Social Development Network (UNSDN)

Empowering People Through Knowledge Sharing