-By Development Network-
Prepayment implies closing the loan earlier than planned. Most banks impose a
penalty on prepayment. The prepayment can be charged in two cases. One, when
you prepay with your own sources. In this case, you issue a cheque from your
account. Second, you refinance the loan from another bank.
Impact of prepayment
The prepayment penalty for public sector banks is about 1% or less while it can
be anywhere between 1% and 3% in private banks. In many cases, banks do not
charge any prepayment penalty if you prepay using your own sources.
The penalty is calculated on principal. Hence if you have 20 lakhs of loan
outstanding, the penalty could be from 0 to Rs 60,000 depending on banks.
Now, when it comes to figuring your outstanding loan amount do not assume that
for instance if you have taken a 40L loan for a 20 year tenure, you would have
paid 20L in 10 years. Here is why. During the initial years of repayment the
interest component repaid is higher and during the latter years the principal
component is higher. So in your repayment so far you would have only repaid the
interest component for the most part.
To determine how exactly the repayment happens throughout the tenure you can
visit this link – here and try out the EMI calculator, which will provide you
with the entire repayment schedule otherwise known as the amortization table.
Banks do this to retrieve their interest cost or fee for the loan upfront
before obtaining the actual loan amount (principal) borrowed.
However, do note that when you prepay it directly reduces the principal amount
borrowed. So if you were to prepay in small amounts throughout the loan tenure
chances are you will close your loan much earlier. Most banks allow you to
partially prepay upto a certain limit without any penalty but when you prepay
in full you are likely to incur the highest prepayment charge. However, it
maybe worth it if you actually save a significant amount in interest by
refinancing the loan.
Banks and Borrowers – some points to keep in mind
From the banks' point of view, they charge prepayment penalty as it impacts
the future income of the bank. To ensure you get clarity on prepayment, you
must discuss the clauses at the time of borrowing. Insist on getting a written
note on all the clauses.
At the same time, discuss with the bank the specific prepayment penalty levied
at different stages of the tenure of the loan as banks have different charges
for prepayment at different timelines. For example, banks may charge 2% if you
prepay before 5 years, 1% between 5 to 10 years, none beyond 10 years.
You should also discuss with the banks the difference in charges on prepayment
from your own sources and on refinancing from other banks.
Last and most important as mentioned earlier, you should also see if you can
prepay partially. Most of the banks do allow partial prepayment up to a certain
limit. For example, you can pay 3-5 extra EMIs in a year.
RBI and its position on prepayment penalty
The RBI has shown its displeasure in past on prepayment charges and has been
advising the banks against it. The larger discussion is still on.
However, there is another body, owned by RBI, called National Housing Bank
(NHB) directed the banks in Oct, 2010, with immediate effect, not to charge
prepayment penalty when the borrowers pay with their own sources. Violation
will lead to action under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987. You can take a
look at the one page directive here.
This directive, however, doesn't say anything about refinancing. The banks are
opposing it tooth and nail. It looks likely that there could be a middle path
between banks and the RBI where the prepayment penalty on refinancing will stay
but with the reduced rate. The jury is still out.
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